Sunday, April 13, 2008

Girls will be girls


My best friend and I took our girls to the park for some pictures. After all they were born 4 months apart and are bestest buddies. So Jessica and I geared them up and headed out.

Hannah Michelle

Brailee Ann

2 peas in a pod

After many poses and 2 little hams... we got some really cute pictures. The weather was nice and the park was a hit with the girls. Jessica and I can only watch as these 2 monsters grow in to little girls. They act like they are 16 most of the time. But moms know better!

The love each other


In the end, I say that we had a pretty fun filed day. We got the well needed pictures of our baby girls together and as they played we got to catch up. Jessica and I have been friends for more than 20 years and hope that our girls will someday be able to say the same.This is the first picture that we have taken together since grade school. She is my BEST friend.

A ride to remember

Looking all studly!

As I zipped up the last zipper, and put his helmet on.... he was off like the wind. My dad and Wyatt were off on a Harley ride that would cause me to bite every nail I had off. They were going to ride to Tiller and have lunch. My dad had taken Wyatt for little rides here and there but never one of this caliber.

Although Wyatt was fully armed in all of his leathers, I still thought that I was going to get sick. The thought of my Bubba on the back of a Harley for such a long trip, made me nervous. The roads to Tiller are winding and run right beside the river. As my dad assured me that Wyatt does awesome on the back of the hog, I still was leary.

Wyatt had waited for this day for a long time. The day he got to prove to his mom that he WAS a big boy. He thought he was such a stud! I have to admit it he was pretty darn cute! It was a perfect spring day. He was so excited he could hardly sit still. As soon as Grandpa gave him the ok, he was on the bike and off he went, with the biggest grin ever!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Family Snow Day

We have had a lot of snow this year. I don't remember having these many days of snow in quite a few years. The kids always dress warm and go and play in the little bit that sticks on the valley floor, but this year we decided to take a day and go to the mountains and play. After all 2 feet is so much funner than 2 inches! Brailee had never been to play in the deep snow so this was quite the adventure for her. We went out South Myrtle and headed towards red top.
We even chained up so we could make it farther up the hill.
The view was breathtaking and the kids were so excited. Just to see the looks on their little faces was priceless. The colder they were the happier they got!

They bundled up and jumped out of the truck with not a fear in mind. *Brailee...Feet First!*

* Bubba feelin' a bit cold.... *

*Kimberly, just chillin' *

All in a days work.....

A "Design by the Martin's" Snowman =)